Amadea's 13th Anniversary: Innovate to Elevate

10 July 2024

June 1st 2024 marks our 13 years of wonderful journey. This is time for us to pay gratitude for the blessing we have got during past years. Motto for this year “Innovate to Elevate” is our commitment to seek ways for innovation that bring the best experience for our guests.

Let’s have a quick look at the series of activities which was organized very well by the anniversary organizing committee.

On 23rd February 2024 Amadea staff members visited family of the late Mr. Komang Sumiarsa, our former Security Supervisor, in Klungkung Regency. Mr. Komang passed away one year ago due to illness. Now his wife has to raise and support the live of their three young children. During the visit we brought them some basic goods such as pack of rice and cooking oil as well as pocket money for the kids.

Collaborating with Palang Merah Indonesia Bali chapter (Bali’s red cross organization) staff of Amadea and neighboring hotels, villas, communities as well as our sister company PrimeBiz Hotel Kuta on 1st May 2024 conducted a community inspired blood donation drive. This resulted in more than 42 blood bags being collected. 

The final event of the series is a Tumpengan ceremony on June 14th 2024 at Nusa Penida. Tumpengan ceremony is an Indonesian tradition in celebrating special days, highlighted with yellow rice cone and all yummy condiments as a symbol of gratitude to The Creator for all the blessings.  

We also conducted the annual outing divided by two consecutive days on June 14th and 21st June 2024 to ensure that every employee had a chance to participate. This year we decided to explore the Penida island, visiting some beautiful spots like Pasih Uwug aka Broken Beach, Angle Billabong, the famous Kelingking Beach and Crystal Bay Beach.

This 13 years amazing journey would not have happened without the kind support from our guests, staff members and business partners. We are grateful for being surrounded by good hearts and look forward to very bright future soon.

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